As part of the European Business Angels Week, StartTech Ventures and Colab Athens are organizing an invitation only workshop on December 5th, targeted at High Net Worth Individuals who already are business angels or are interested in becoming.

The objective of the workshop is to evangelize the concept of being a business angel, to share best practices and experience from the international business angels scene and to kick-start the process of creating an active business angels network in Athens. The workshop will be the main EBAW event in Greece.


We are excited to host two world-class business angels as key-note speakers for this workshop, Baybars Altuntas from Turkey and Maria Dramalioti-Taylor from the UK, while Agis Hiliarhopoulos will contribute as moderator.

Also, Nikos Chloros, Principal at CNL Advisors will discuss the tax and legal aspects of angel investing in Greece.

Last but not least, Hellenic Venture Capital Association Chairman, Giannis Papadopoulos, will address the workshop participants, as we are honoured to have the event organized under the auspices of the HVCA.

Attendance of the event will be by invitation only.

You can read more about the workshop and request an invite here.


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