Women entrepreneurs, the time has come to galvanize! Yes, the 2nd Lean In EU WBA (Women Business Angels) Pitching Battles event for women entrepreneurs at the Starttech Ventures’ HQ is just 48 hours away.

The 2nd Lean In EU WBA Pitching Battles is here!

That’s right ladies and gents. The wait is over. The sales pitches are ready. Seven startups will battle it out for the chance to win a place in the grand final, as well as mentoring, training and Venture Building services from Starttech Ventures.

It’s time for women entrepreneurs to shine

The stage is set then for our selected women entrepreneurs to shine. One thing important to note, is that the Pitching Battles event is open to all. We will be more than happy to see our friends from all walks of the Greek entrepreneurial ecosystem come and join us. Both to cheer on the and gain some vital insights from our prestigious team of experienced panelists from around Europe.


Here’s a quick look at the schedule of how things will go down at our special day for women entrepreneurs:

16:30: Welcome Coffee & Registration
17:00: ‘Future Ecosystem in the Digital World’, Mor Eini, Innovation Programme Manager GTEC
17:15: Introduction of investors and pitching rules

  • Mor Eini, Innovation Programme Manager, German Tech Entrepreneurship Center (GTEC) Alexandra Choli, Metavallon Ventures, Greece
  • Antigoni Lymperopoulou, New Economy Development Fund, Greece
  • Vera Alexandropoulou, Founder www.alexandropouloulaw.com, Greece
17:45: Pitches 1-4 (5 min pitch + 5 min Q&A for each)
18:30: Coffee break
18:45: Pitches 5-8 (5 min pitch + 5 min Q&A for each)
19:45: Announcement of winners
20:00: Networking & Farewell

The Startups who will pitch

And the pitching battle contestants:

Group 1:

17:45 Mantis Business Innovation – development of Evaluation Systems and Decision-Making Models for the startup ecosystem.
17:55 Community Energy River – a fintech platform that groups efficiently individuals and companies into energy cooperatives and facilitates them to buy, produce and sell their own renewable energy on local level.
18:05 Pakia – A complete software solution for insurance brokers and agents
18:15 ΑΓΩ – Augmented Reality system aiming to train people struggling with phobias overcome them by facing them in a virtual but realistic world.

Group 2:

18:45 HireFlows HR Solutions – Machine Learning Recruitment Process Software for SMEs.
18:55 Queen’s Protocol – developing innovative leather luxury accessories with embedded technology to help busy women solve everyday/nowadays problems. Simplify busy woman’s life, enhance Digital Detox, security from electronic thefts.
19:05 Agrologies – tech which helps farmers manage irrigation via their smartphone, anyplace, anytime.
19:15 Prognostis – assessing intangibles, revealing roadmaps

And the jury panel members are…

Now, all that remains is to meet the people who have the honor of judging what is sure to be a tough and exciting competition for our women entrepreneurs. And let’s not forget those who will make important contributions in the form of business and entrepreneurial insights through their keynote speeches.

  1. Mor Eini, Innovation Programme Manager, German Tech Entrepreneurship Center (GTEC)
  2. Alexandra Choli, Metavallon Ventures, Greece
  3. Antigoni Lymperopoulou, New Economy Development Fund, Greece
  4. Vera Alexandropoulou, Founder www.alexandropouloulaw.com, Greece

May the best startup win!


Graham Wood Graham Wood

The Starttech Ventures Storyteller. Studied Journalism with Business at the University of Central Lancashire. Has worked in various product marketing management positions for the likes of Nokia, Samsung and Vodafone, as well as in several journalism and media roles since 2000.