With our daily routines slowly coming back to normal, we thought we’d bring back some of our good “habits”, to help us feel productive in giving back to the community. As part of our efforts, we’re organizing  a volunteer blood donation on our premises, on Tuesday 18th of October.

Donate blood at Starttech; Join us!

Blood donation at Starttech

As a result of our long-standing commitment to blood donation efforts, Starttech Ventures is a registered society within the National Blood Donor Registry at www.ekea.gr.

This “pool” allows each of us, as members within the society, to access our communal registry should someone ever require units of blood, in the future.

Every volunteer is also eligible to request an individualized blood donor card. This card operates like an “ATM card” for units of blood. When a volunteer donates a unit of blood this card records that donation. And it guarantees the individual access to a unit of blood if needed in the future at maximum-priority.

We have been working with the General Oncological Hospital of Kifissia. They who offer the team and equipment necessary to complete the donation here at our offices.

Donating blood takes around 10 minutes to complete and between 400ml – 500ml of donated blood and plasma. While blood bags are manufactured to store blood for up to 30 days, GONK has previously reported that blood donated barely makes it to 3 days in cold storage. That is, before it needs to be used.

Donating blood helps save lives; immediately and effectively.

It’s happening on Tuesday, October 18th

The blood donation will take place in our offices, on the second floor, on Tuesday, October 18th, 2022. The medical crew from the General Oncological Hospital of Kifissia will be available from 09.30 to 13.30. Anyone that is fit to donate blood will be able to participate, within this time frame.


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